Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Simple Solution to repeat criminals

Kill them on the spot! What is the purpose in tracking them down to hold them, pay for their court hearing, trial, defense, incarceration, appealing ... in all appalling. I'd say it is now criminal season.

Step one: know criminal

Cerpicio interjects> Um...please define "criminal." Shoplifter? Speeder? Under-aged drinker?
[response]: the example given (link) was child rapist killer abductor. Let us at least start there.

Step two: find criminal
Step three: kill criminal
leave criminal lie dead or dying

I frankly don't care if an old nun driving a Vatican van runs over him or if a circular saw woker hacks off a leg, whereupon the criminal bleeds to death. The manner and haste of his death is immaterial. Criminals should die, fast or slow, just die. The dead tend not to commit crimes.

1 comment:

Cerpicio said...

Um...please define "criminal." Shoplifter? Speeder? Under-aged drinker?