Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Conversation with a sociopath

I was reminded yesterday of a person with whom I briefly worked who was a sociopath. It is indeed rare to finally indetify one, as their ability to convincingly lie is years/decades in development and mastery. I was younger, perhaps more naive', but his tales fooled many people, including at least three women, with whom he sired children. Sociopaths don't raise kids. Strangely, at nearly the same time of his being there, then leaving not to be seen again, I was reading a book on Arthur Shawcross; a fairly convincing liar and near-sociopath. I used to read true crime books.

I thought the author went too far in covering the defense lawyer's attempts and successes in blaming not the client, but rather cirumstances surrounding the client -- anything but guilt. In the end, the lawyer got him tested as being a double-Y person; yet he exhibited less than half of the symptoms. His planning and methodical nature and liar, belied the underscoring of double-Y syndrome, including no dynamic sterility, size differentiation, but did show sub-par cognitive development, impulsivity, environmental (self-reported --> little reliability) intolerances. This being the case, one would wonder why he would trek across a field in winter to defile and mutilate a long-since deceased victim. Reportedly, from this liar, he consumed parts, generally genitalia, from victims -- nine prostitutes. His early child victims supposedly suffered no significant post mortem damage from him, except for minor abrasions and cuts from his hiding of the bodies.

Back to the sociopath with whom I spoke. To augment others' estimation of him, he was a combat veteran who had slain a few people in the army, never divluging information useful to verify it ... convenient. In his glorified, self-improtance, he corrected me in my assumption of sniper rifle usage. While I was there, he seduced (like it would take much effort) a fifteen or sixteen year old worker there. The parents weren't too happy with the involvement of their daughter with him, but since he was the father -- he was "brought in".

Later, when his callous nature was better revealed, they found, through P I s that he was not in the military, nor had any real long-standing job, that he was older than he reported and that nearly everything that he spoke was a lie. I think they got little to no money from the notorious S O B.

I found him to be engaging and putting on aires of intellectuality, but he was cunning only -- not smart. His charisma carried him where is intelligence could not. It was a learning experience.

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