Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Sad coincidence

a student graduating from middle school has the name of Eric Cartman. He wasn't heavy, but the burden of his name is. Sad turn of events. Had it not been for the rude cartoon, this common and real name would not have risen any eyebrows when announced.


Hillary for President said...

Well, know what I thing? I thing he should Sue Commedy Centrale and the creator's of south parke four willful infliction off immonshional this stress.

I meen, name a jerk character after him? HOw rude!!!! maybe he also should sue four impersonaltion and lible and slander and deaf anamation off characters.

With Hillary Clinton for president, he maye verry well win.

MR said...

This has to be a prank, no fucking way is anyone that retarded.

Bear in mind, I didn't even read past "Hillary for President."