Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

King Kong

I finally saw the ... epic ... the journey ... the much too long movie.
I could make a list of things that were silly, but I'll stick with some simple ... problems:

the ship was trapped between rocks. There is Kong, not to ruin the movie, but "suspended". How did they get him to the boat, much less in the boat. The island part was much too much overdone. I understand it's a mysterious island and it's fantasy, but really! Peter? Did you ever capture a spider in a jar? Was it instantly hungry, no. It wanted out. Hey ... here's a part where something should be scared or busy escaping, but that isn't where the focus was ... too often, too silly. Also: I got a flat tire, I ran out gas, I didn't have any cab fare, an friend came in town, there was a hurricane, there was a tornado ... I swear to God it wasn't my fault. Okay, they're on fire ... now they must walk on a trapeze that's a fuse on both ends are TNT, and there are meteors crashing overhead ... but miraculously, they make it out. Huh?

I will say that Naomi Watts has big, deep eyes that you see often. Also, there wasn't any stupid wet T-shirt scene either, which was a plus.

Scott send a text message: The monkey dies.

Silly, but I believe he means ape and if you don't know the story of King Kong, well ... you live in a box perhaps?
I guess it was worth seeing, but not at full price. There were enjoyable scenes, and funny ones, intentional or not.
"pile up" scene was very silly -- land before time


MR said...

I think the fact that you didn't like a movie has become cliche enough to invalidate all of your reviews. I might suggest that your lack of tolerance for the production process plays a part. Why didn't they show how they got him on the ship? Because then it would have been a FOUR hour movie. Clearly the writer could have made something up, and maybe he did and it ended up on the cutting room floor during editing. Watching you watch some damn movies... I mean watching you watch CSI was tell-tale also, in that it irritated you so much to hear the CSI's speaking out loud about what they found and why it's significant. Yes, the people who watch this show on a regular basis realize that they are spraying down the suspects hands to see if they fired a weapon recently, but the writer doesn't have the luxury of assuming what his audience is. He has to present every show as an encapsulated self-supporting vessel of entertainment, so if that is the ONLY episode anyone ever sees, they will be entertained for that one hour and understand the storyline. This is the Gilligan's Island principal, that show explained the plot every time it started right in the theme song. Same thing with the Brady Bunch. You also can't presume that the audience is young or old or smart or stupid or anything like that, you have to present it to cover as much ground as possible, and if that means you have to work in some extra dialogue to be sure the viewer is following, then that's what you do. It may be redundant and annoying to you, but new to another viewer; you never know which episode will be someone's first. Now what I find redundant and annoying about that show is Marge Helgenberg's facial expressions. I'm tired of her making that STUPID cocker-spaniel head-cocked-to-one-side, mouth open, mock-shocked expression. I want to make a crime scene out of her every time she does it, and it's all the time.

Marcus said...

So there I was ... the only place I could be without standing ... on my ____ for 3 some hours. I keep thinking ... when does it end? I know how it ends.

So there was this thing of: a love that didn't happen, but its weak.
Jack Black, out of nowhere says, "No. It was beauty that killed the beast."

Um ... no, sorry. I'd say the vast number of times he was shot, not fed then fell... those are what killed him. The long-winded island part ... that's what killed me.

Okay, so there's 1 billion things here. There's a something-like-a-phenomenon-love-thing going on and a "friendship" ... all weak.

While others would disagree stating that you felt something for King Kong at the end ... I didn't. I just wanted it to end. I felt that his character wasn't tragic enough, unlike Godzilla with Matthew Brodrick. That poor critter was a sad victim. They slayed it (hermaphrodite) and the young. It was sad.

I guess, long and over the top.
Like Ralphie, it got a C+