Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


"Come on! Let's fight bad guys", Charlie calls to me as we battle the endless minions of evil, be they aliens, robots, Sith, supervillans, or whomever. We have battled with super powers, weapons of all sorts, hand-to-hand melee, Stooge moves, anything.
I have a superhero complex (wanting to save many people), here is my opportunity -- battling along side of my partner Charlie against the Hall of Doom.

Friday, he had his super energy pill (Chocolate -- lots of it) with sugar and was bouncing off the walls. This was bad for the enemy, who sometimes was Daddy who had to be the bad guy.

1 comment:

MR said...

This blog has been stagnant for some time. Will there be more content any time soon?