Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, March 24, 2006


I violated my own rule of never watching it, but it was on. I saw what should have been half of it, but I dare say that this last section was probably only a third ... or less. I don't think I'm spoiling any surprises because most of the people who raved and loved this show watched it several times over and most people who haven't seen it, probably won't.
At the end is a survivor who I expected to say, "So,to make a long story short .."
"You're a bit late for that!"
Bad writing, bad acting ... this won awards for ... that year's longest epic maybe ... certainly not grand movie. Stunt work? Most of the scenes were computer graphics so, I think Possedion Adventure (early 80s) was a better flick, especially with the man who falls from a floor-bolted table to the ceiling candelier -- actually fell and the glass flying and lightwork underneath ... excellent!
Anyway ... last section of this movie Tantric

"Say the course, Rose."
"Stay the course Jack? The ship's going down!"
"That's right Rose ... the ship is going down. Stay the course."

So, Jack's handcuffed in a lower deck and the man holding the key left the room and is now on deck waiting for a lifeboat. Rose escapes from her husband and treks below to miraculously find Jack in a room. "I'm in here", shouting from a room -- like any of them appear different. She leaves him to wander in the halls and to talk with people, finally nearly falling asleep, then gets an axe. She goes through chin-deep water to his "cell" where the water is waist high.

I imagined her hacking him apart rather than having to suffer the trauma of drowning. She frees him and it should be done, but no.
They can't get back the way them came ... more gates are locked. They escape that (video game thinking?) and load Rose onto a boat. She then leaves the boat and enters the ship again. Jack and Rose now have a series of unfortunate events -- chased by gun-firing husband, then going through deep water in "lightning" then stopped at gate, finding keys under water ... here I was expecting an Aliens scene or deep monster scene. How can this situation become worse ... oh, yes ... worse writing, that's how.
They find a crying child. Jack grabs him, but the boy's father grabs him back, then dies in the hallway. I expected here for Jack and Rose to tote thirty some people to freedom and delivering a baby or two from desperately pregnant women on the way to the top deck.
Back to the top deck, fighting, pushing, screaming ... tipping (Titanic trying to dog shake the people off its back).

A Dante's Inferno scene of the frozen dead ... tragically stupid dropping of super valuable jewel for "love's" sake then finally joining the frozen dead spirits at the bottom of the Atlantic to find that she has always been the cartaker (allusion to Shining).
I cried because the movie wouldn't end. Wait, there's an epilogue. Fooled you that's one of seventy epilogues at the end of this movie. What happened to the three children that you saw in scene 16? They went on to petty crime in depression era USA. What happened to un-named upper class person in lifeboat 6, well in the back covered in shadow. They went on to be Mayor of Podunk, KY 1954 - 1958. What happened to ...

I know why it won awards. Those to make those decisions are flakes.

It was a day the sharks, fish, and orca would never forget! The day of the bounty ... mana! Not a fish left hungry. Later birds would record it too.

Still later ... authors, never having their name recorded before or after, wrote of the ship that sank ... ship, sinks? Wow!
Cage goes in the water?
You go in the cage?
Shark comes near the cage?

Farwell and ado to you fair Spanish ladies.


MR said...

Yeah, I wouldn't have even stopped at that channel except it was in high definition and it was at the part where all those arrogant people were about to have their reality checked. I especially like the pinball scene, where the ship tips up and people come bouncing down off of the ship's fixtures... OOF! OH! OW! ((CLANK)) and finally ((SPLASH!)) "Tilt"

Anonymous said...

Titanic was the best movie ever, the music is to die for, and the Flying Scene is worth it's weight in gold. You don't know what you're talking about.
If you had just parodied it I would have laughed but you were just there to bashing it.
I mean you had to have at least *LIKED* the movie right? No? Not even just parts?
Some people will never learn.

Would you even know true love if she/he fell out of the sky on top of you?

And Kate is just sooo yummy in the drawing scene!
>lol So hot. Whole movie.