Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

hurtful words

Finding out the background of fictional characters often bores me -- greatly! Find out the backgrounds on some of the students sometimes fills me with some rage. Many come in with neglect issues, some with emotional, physical and sexual abuse and others are neurotic because of their home life. It is not to say that there a level of exception to poor behavior, no. There is, however a reason for some of it. Personally, I think a ED209 or T1000 visitation should take care of many issues. There are areas of the city were even an ED209 would look for re-arming or ammunition reloading. I dislike the fact that there is "nothing that can be done" as it must be investigated, then a trial, separation then prompt return to the household to continue.
* causative features are drugs & alcohol, poverty, criminal activity, stagnant development (retarded socially &/or intellectually of so-called adults), apathy
-- "it was just one time ..."

*ED209 set for Urban pacification
*T1000 given an ample arsenal, with limited specific targets, more like system 101 in its short list directives

oh, and I faked every blog

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