Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Jack Black

from Shallow Hal, had a scene when he was first in bed with Rosemary when he finds her undies or thong which are huge. He only sees petit Gweneth Paltrow, so the panties are an oddity to him.

If you are 400 pounds, your thong (which isn't in your size -- trust me) is King or California King size. Don't be King (or) Queen Thong. They aren't attractive on many. I personally don't find the cheek spreader nice, or attractive. They are, however easy to wash and easy require no real folding. They make great instant weapons (sling shots).

It's imagry and imagination and tangents ... I don't pretend to understand it.


MR said...

Point of order: you don't like anything that is outside the realm of pure and innocent where women are concerned. Saying you don't like thongs is redundant.

Marcus said...

Actually, no ... that isn't it. I don't like the look of them. I have a preference, but that doesn't matter. I don't really mind them, I just don't think they are flattering. Most women who wear them have, well ... bums that really don't need the cheeks so clearly define by a band. I think its the large bums ... not the thongs, but they still don't look good.