Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

more on violence (to be continued)

Experience dictates that success and pleasure are re-enforcers of a behavior, so inclined persons act out violently because of success and pleasure, not merely from mob, societal or peer pressure. A defining moment in a person's life is acting in accordance with their being, that is their thoughts and "heart". If violence is acceptable in the given circumstance, generally with a condoning group or without fear of reprisal or consequences, violence is more likely.

Insomuchas violence is cautionary, defensively -- physical intimidation or restraint, necessary, it is avoidable. Presently, too often, society reveres the sadist or the punisher -- not to be confused with the vindicator, but the unjust pathological criminal who unleashes fury at any target.

Moreover the target generally has few clues prior to the assault. This being the case, proactive defenses should be taught, such as, "don't get into a situation you can't escape". I cannot blame rape victims, but rather many cases of violence would be avoided if the victim didn't put him/herself in a situation that they couldn't escape. No situation is really under one person's control, but going unprepared or assuming God's hand to help you through your stupidity is ... well, foolish. God acts because God does, not at a person's whim.

From my experience, allowing yourself to do something wrong, is still your choice. Putting yourself in harm's way is still a choice. Violence can often be avoided by not battling everything, everyone and not putting yourself in an undefensable position -- much like a fire. If you don't have an understanding, no plan for escape, then you probably won't escape unharmed if at all.

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