Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Al-Zawahri calls for death to Muslims

"It is a jihad (holy war) for the sake of God and will last until (our) religion prevails ... from Spain to Iraq," al-Zawahri said. "We will attack everywhere." Spain was controlled by Arab Muslims for more than seven centuries until they were driven from power in 1492.
If you call out an all out war until "your" religion prevails, I'd say you are asking to be killed.  If Muslims respond to this with cheers instead of jeers ... it will be open season on Muslims, I'm afraid.  What a stupid, and I mean stupid incitement to murder.  Does this doofus understand that he's contracting the murder of Muslims by doing this?
I hope that fellow Muslims throw out this wicked fool in favor of someone less -- warprone.

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