Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

well, there you have it, for now

I suspected that Virginia counting was counting take about 3 years in and of itself, but supposedly the democrat won, making the Senate the leaning power of peezdoff. Now more than ever, the house and senate will be a Konami game, "Punch Out":

Body blow, body blow, right, right, body blow [ding, ding, ding]
left, right, left, right, left, right, uppercut, body blow, left, right

How many rounds are there? The game is endless, get my point?

This brings us to the 2008 contest of money, baggage, lies, and conveniences. Rumsfeld is leaving and Bush will be exiting in 2008 later to be called unforgiven (I thought "whipping boy done wrong"), unlike Clinton who came out of swimming in his own fecal matter, still okay with only minor bruises.

What I used to think was that it would be McCain vs Clinton, but that isn't certain, as there are other hopefuls that have potential. With Clinton running, the Republicans will have an interesting play come game time. In one direction, they could call their helpers and ensure that she doesn't get the nomination for the party or ensure it knowing that people don't want a second round of that. No, thanks! I'm driving.

The polls should be even fatter next round as either people will try desperately to keep the balance or the parties will tear each other apart and again the senate and house will be lopsided, even more than it is now. I do hope with this things as they are that people do seek knowledge from reading rather than from media blowhards making windy tales (usually posterior external sphynter msucle born). Perhaps then people will vote, since they might be aggitated and peeved that things "ain't goin' right".

I know that MR predicts high potential for Liberman, while I hope that McCain (whom I wanted after Clinton) gets the nomination and wins. I think we'all loose if dem Arkansas folks get in dere again. That would give Bill more access to rooms where he shouldn't be. He'll then have a book, "My Life Continues" with limo exploits and other unmentionable.

I did listen to the audio book for sound bite purposes, but cancelled that project. I got through few chapters, but ended it. As he wasn't truthful in office, it's hard to know what in the book was factual. If true, his mother not tolerating racism in her house, was a nice bit of trivia that does tend to form a person's thinking. Something people tend to forget is that writing the book then reading it himself was not only ego-boosting, but ego masturbatory, in that he could stroke off to the number of hours he worked on it and that others heard his tale.

His is an ego enlarged with masturbatory dreams of not only sex, but power and control; especially in duping people with lies and using charisma that woos the feint of intelligence or the quickly awestruck.

1 comment:

MR said...

I think Lieberman, unlike Ross Perot, could run as an Independent and actually have a good chance of building up a third party of moderates. Although all pretend to be moderate around election time, the very vocal far left and far right don't represent the views of most people. Most of America makes up the meat of the (liberty) bell curve. I can see Lieberman making a bid for President on his own this time, without Al Gore anywhere in sight. And hopefully he's tired of the crap from the Democrats and runs as an Independent, giving everyone a tertiary choice in 2008. For the Republicans, I wouldn't say that person has emerged yet. It may even be Mit Romney or someone the nation isn't all that familiar with. The Dems have a big decision to make. As liberals, they LOVE the idea of a woman president, and certainly LOVE their Hilary. The question is whether they are so much inside their bubble to think that she's electable and that she's going to be the first woman President. If they gamble on that, I can see them losing. Hilary doesn't play outside of the coasts and New York. The midwest will take her out if she runs. It will be interesting to see how they handle that. I'm sure they're very conflicted about it.