Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Lookee here ... MR is in good company (someone else can't read my crap either)

My baffling non-English way of writing has confused yet another.

Okay. Since I wasn't clear, basically I wrote that in the community where I work, The Hispanic, generally illegals from Mexico with 8 percent English understanding still rank higher than Blacks. This is intersting considering the Blacks have been here for longer.

In my hometown, Blacks are still longer rung, but perhaps at level with Hispanics. I wrote the disportionate arrests and charges aginst Blacks and Hispanics. Generally speaking, there are a greater number of arrests of Blacks, proportionally as well as numerically than of Hispanics or Whites. I believe the Hispanics, locally, are arrested less often than Whites, but stand a better chance at longer or worse sentences than Whites.

It's just sad that at work I hear racial slurs daily, yet they don't seem to understand it is bitter to hear. Gee, I wonder why there aren't typical minorities working there ... huh, there are racial slurs spoken as commonly as cigarette smoke. Some of these dolts don't even see the irony of using racial slurs while their own heritage smacks of genocide, disenfranchisement, and oppression, such as American Indians (as one man claims he has heritage), Iranian, and yes ... Hispanic and mixed (like people producing offspring of mixed races, in two cases non-married couple with Black-White children).

My indirect post also noted that California is a state that will soon go Spanish, while the Midwest here is less likely to embrace it for general slower immigration of "the Spanish", Klan history and continuity, and generalized xenophobia. Indiana, the state about which I write is "land of the Indians" and was virtually Indian-free for fifty or more years.

Racism was on my mind for, at work I grow tired of hearing it. Work is bothering me and I'm hunting for a new job. I hope that I can get one in this town which is a little less trailer-ridden. The trailer-heavy town where I work is sterotypical of trailer "trash" and concepts of we-all-related and "we don't want the Irish".+ It also smacks of the stark reality that none of those folks there could figure out a computer application if they had the instructor standing beside them. I guess it holds true that the more racist you are, the stupider you are (as you favor your ignorance rather than accept accountability). Each person makes a mark, no one race is more evil or good than another. It is a person that chooses to be good or evil.

One could make the case for me, since I am of Irish and German ancenstry that I am prone to alcoholism and violence, so that I am deistined to be a bastard to my impulses. I believe that I have done about 55:45 good vs evil. So, I am a bit better than bad. I have made choices, some destructive and other helpful. I am judged by my skin, where I should not be. I am regarded as potentially good for I am white.

A person at work was given an attaboy with, "That's mighty white of you." Case in point, work bothers me and today I am focussed the pervasive language of racists, especially of the neaderthals with whom I work.

+ from Blazing Saddles, where the quote is, "Okay. We'll give some land to the niggers and the chinks, but we don't want the Irish."


MR said...

Your post presumes this is tragic or wrong of society, yet it's a grassroots conclusion that they didn't have to collaborate on. There was no town meeting, yet they came to these conclusions ranking the blacks, hispanics and whites. If you were less focused on political correctness and thought outside the box, you might wonder how these ideas surfaced in that area. You've been there since February, they more than likely live there. It MAY very well be, if you approach is scientificly, that the reason has to do with blacks demonstrating more reprehensible behavior, and being arrested more is a direct result of them committing more crimes, perhaps because a criminal record in that community is seen as cool or manly--you can't run with the big dogs talking about your parking tickets. Perhaps the hispanics are redeemed by their willingness to work. Or any of a zillion reasons before jumping to the conclusion that it's just sad and prejudice. You have to ask yourself, if they came to these conclusions independently, without collaborating, it may be REAL for whatever reason, but it's unscientific to just dismiss it--not that you're a sociologist or anything.

MR said...

And by the way, Fort Wayne has:

August 4-5 Hispanic Heritage Festival

I THINK you said something about them not having a festival.

Also the Fort Wayne Black Expo every year since the Festival started.