Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, February 02, 2007

lack of black

My city is going to go deep red like battlefields of old. The schools need fixing, got it. That bill is $500 million. The city bought lots of property downtown and will build a stadium, which is a bad idea. That is $100 million. There are infrastructure projects, which should take place over the ill-fated downtown project. That is $25 - $200 million. So where is the city going to get the money ... not us, said the the citizens. Not us, said the annexed regions of the city. Not us, said the loan companies. Not us, said the few companies staying because they aren't paying taxes.

So, the homeowners and taxpayers get the new bill of $1 billion dollars, payable over a ten to fifteen year period. Thanks, thanks, and thanks!

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