Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Rotisserie positions

There are a couple of local companies that tout growth, importance, "and other fine stuff like that there", yet have an old White Castle building, still white, still fresh paint and french fry smell. The one place in particular had a very odd question indeed. What car do you drive?

What the? I drive Herz and I'm a backseat driver. What does it matter what car I drive? They didn't hire me. I think I was turned off on the question, showed it and the hiring manager was put off by me. Oh, well. That was a long time ago. I do find it interesting that this company apparently goes through new "talent" quickly or are really growing at a fast past. I think the former is more likely. I think it likely that it was a more sales than promotion job.

I want you to sell 110% of last week. So each week, you are gaining 10%. After six months, will expect 130% each week. Then you're on the fast track to management.
"Kiss ass while you bitch, so you can get rich, but your boss gets the richer off you."+

The job description I got was, "Take these fine new products from big name companies and get them displayed and sold in local markets." Now, what does my car have to do with that? I guess, presentation is foremost, which is fine. If I look like a slob, then say, "thanks, but we have more promising prospects". The company started early with the carrot. I have interviewed with other companies that start with the carrot.

Now, you can view "the carrot" in two ways, neither positive. A carrot can be on a string, on a stick in front of you, driving you forward. You are never really going to get the carrot. If you do, you have well exhausted yourself and are quickly tempted by another. The other "carrot" could be one given to the pet rabbit. While the rabbit eats kibble and sustaining food, what it seeks is alfalfa and carrots -- broccoli. These treats are given irrepective of effort or work. So there is no reward. This type of carrot is well documented, though humorously, in Office Space.

No more carrots! I am looking for a job, seeking a career. When you have a career, you grow, and are "into" it. You instictively seek to learn. You give a care about what you are doing, and even the company. The tokens and tickets and carrots are demeaning and make people unproductive and the company less profitable. So, the company has 60% aggrivated workers, so little is done. If the company has low morale, there is little incentive. The low pay, lack of raises and the expontential gain (salary, bonuses, benefits) of some CEOs and chairpersons sucks the life out of the company.

Dilbert shows the pointy-haired boss, less competent than TV. The TV is a medium for entertainment that is disguised as fact. It offers nothing other than programming mostly for toddlers. This is management that moves up in the company, doing nothing, yet finding ways to remove inspiration. I know that in a city job, I won't be more specific, when a person isn't performing, that person isn't fired. Oh, no. That would make sense. The person isn't shifted laterally either. The failing flunky is moved up, in charge of people and paper. When he can't do that, he's moved up to handle different paper and people. With each level, there is less responsibility and more pay. In this instance, it is a government job and the taxpayers pay for the flunky to move up the ranks because of failure.

On the lower end, an honest person might be stationed as a door, only ever moved and not on it's own accord. Not all persons are doors, but a great many are. A flunky passes through them on to the next place, while the door remains. Look, you're a good door. You helped keep out others and let an person pass. You have a purpose.

+ "Holiday in Cambodia" by Dead Kennedys (covered by) Laaz Rockit


MR said...

I thought I'd check on it, and yes, "What kind of car do you drive" is a common interview question. Here's a site with a list, there's a lot of them. This one speculates that the question is to make you defensive about your choice. Why didn't you buy an American car? Aren't Foreign cars better? To see how you handle that. Anyway, here's the site:

Are you sure these guys aren't just sensing your poor attitude toward the corporate world?

Marcus said...

I'm sorry for my inaccuracy. The question was on the application, not an interview question. I have never seen its match on any other application.

Marcus said...

I have no angst. My posts have been the lack of realism regarding salaries and businesses.

MR said...

You make your own reality.