Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

and a word about genitalia

When children grow, they often openly discuss genitalia for they don't find it offensive. There is no taboo rating on it, until a "magic" but random age when "let's not talk about that, shall we ... it's rude". Until that time, you can hear wonderful stories about kids noticing differences in mommies. "She is taller", "she's got a bigger butt", "she has big boobies", might be some talk of the children.

Last night, a couple of event really will not soon leave my mind. A less-embarrassing event was Jared's, "I don't want them (the dogs) to smell my 'pee-pee'". I understand that later he was worried that they might bite it.

Both Jared and Charlie were armed with nerf-like guns that fired a nerf dart with suction cup. They had fun firing at each other and then at other items. The game got "great" when they hit the wide target of my butt, not once but repeatedly. "Ow! Ooh!" I complained, as if hurt. They giggled having shot me in the "bum ... the bottom."

They each tried to circle around and circle a more vital area that I sheltered with hands and a criss cross. Earlier in the evening, I was battled with lightsabers, swords, and random toys flung at me. One item was a lightsaber, that from a lofted bed's height to my fallen-on-floor position, landed square into my groin. I was lucky that it wasn't that heavy and it didn't have much speed.

I was also "sliced" and stabbed in the "balls". "Balls" was quietly voiced. It's funny, because Monkeyjack, in whose house this was happening, has a little story of saying "balls" quieted. The story is, though, "have you ever noticed that [Monkeyjack] lowers his voice when he says balls?" This was when he was young and his mother, bless her heart, despised vulgar language. Better still, I heard "lowers his voice" and followed up with a more baritone version of the "balls" not necessarily quieter. It stuck.

To finish off the genitalia stories ... sorry, Monkeyjack, you can write about it later -- better, there is the story of "adult game".

The two dogs there are brother and sister, both fixed. They have tons of energy and would tear the house and each other apart in their play and dominance fighting. Charlie saw Echo humping Cheyenne and later recalled to Lori that he saw them doing "adult games".+ Jawdrop and stunned. Both Monkeyjack and Lori, separately want and don't want to know what he means. Charlie exaplains what he saw and then says no more.

Oh ... fudge (the other word, perhaps more appropriate)! So, nearly a day later, either he submits an amendment to his statement or he is asked again, he suggests Conga dancing, like at weddings and the like, as the "adult game" they were playing. Whew! Otherwise, the TV programming they anyone watches will have to step back from PG to G, I suspect.

There is another story, far more embarassing, but I will hope that Monkeyjack sometime writes about it. It is a guy thing gone wrong. Boys will be boys will be boys, and then you have a situation, a mess, and the lesson was learned by incident rather than lecture. I might much, much, much later write on "pee pistols". It's a guy thing ... nothing gay about it, just embarassing.

+ Monkeyjack later revised it to, maybe "human games". Charlie once stated, "girls play with dolls; humans play with games." So there is the distinction between humans and girls.

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