Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Dare to be stupid

No, not Weird Al, who actually is quite a smart and talented man. No, this Nate Dogg (who apparently panders to the poor spelling urbanites) isn't clear whether he signed contracts or not, but is suing anyway+++. So, um ... what would you say you do here, exactly.

Well, I'm never here on time. I'd say in a week I do about 15 mintues of actual work.

Oh, you mean like sing.

I don't sing.

Oh, then you play an intrument.

I don't play instruments.

So ... what ... do, skip it!

+++ "Then there was this (sung 'total eclipse of the sun') and I saw a plant that I could swear wasn't there a minute ago, but the old man sold it to me anyway for a $1.25" Little Shop of Horrors

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