Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Smathering of the newz

John Kerry gets mouthy and says rude things. Thinking quickly like Mel Gibson or the Grinch, he claims no direct responsibility, but shifts blame to people who recorded his statements, who are ultimately to blame.

The military can't find some top ranking Iraqi insurgants because they can't find their own detainees who are AWOL. A "clever" soldier didn't want to go back to Iraq, so escaped to Canada and was caught. He was to return to court, but went missing again. Now there's a guy who could be in the CIA.

Iran pays $20 to attract tourists. Hey! Did I miss a meeting or aren't you still doing daily prayer of death to the infidel and the great Satan America (burn flags and effigies here). First, $20 isn't incentive for squat. Second, I don't want to be held for 444 days or slain quickly after a videotape denouncing America.
Dear Iran,
If you wish to get American tourists, stop killing and kidknapping them. Stop denouncing America in daily "prayer" and burning the flag. Stop supporting terrorism. When then comes about, and of course you stop the nuclear weapon program, then you might -- just might have some takers.

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