Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Scaring people into a POV

I don't care what side of the fence you're on, this complete bullcrap of "don't vote for ..." slogans get me pissed! They aren't, "vote for the best candidate (of this party) because they are best suited to better your area &/or America", it is, "this other group here is evil, so don't vote for them".

If they have nothing positive to say about their party's candidate, they shut up! Bad is bad and evil is evil. It seems to me that many slogans and campaigns are trying to show a difference between similar situations. I'll give you an example:

berating and belittling someone before firing him/her vs firing him/her then belittling and berating him/her

Is there a real difference between the two? I find this year a smathering of sickening "don't vote for" campaigns. Another, local, candidate is sending out fliers to all women for the candidate is a woman. Vote for me because I am a woman, not because I am the best suited for the job. How would I know, because I didn't get one, despite that I am listed as a [political party here] due to my primary election history.+

It seems to me that they have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the parties have bad candidates, some of whom will be elected. Joy of joys ... they've shown you why you shouldn't vote for them and how, after Nov. 8th, you'll have these bad people in office. That's just simply wonderful! They've done something I couldn't do ... shown that politics tend to be bad and that most don't serve the people, but rather continue an entity that protects itself from reproach.

It is a deplorable year, I can only hope that 2008 is more why I should vote for someone rather tha not for someone.

+ of course, during primaries, you must choose to select either people for Republican nominees or Democrat nominees. You may not select nominees for both during primaries. This is how they call you for political party calls. Jerks -- I'm neither and you should have no knowledge of my voting history or preference, according to balloting and voting systems.

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