Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Riddles for kids (answers are in grey)

A brother to your parent, and I contain a c; I’m married to your nice aunt, I hope that you guess me. Uncle

A coin called two bits, that's less than a dollar; or think of a fourth, now guess me, you scholar. Quarter

A color like purple, and I start with v; I am very pretty, and I end with t. Violet

A dish with chunks of meat, and gravy very brown; and I contain an e, so when do we sit down? Stew

A folded corn tortilla, you fill with cheese and meat; now add lettuce and sauce, and you have a tasty treat. Taco

A four-line poem, surprise and delight; which only happens, when you get it right. Riddle

A fruit of red or green, and I start with a g; you'll find me on a vine, with more bunches like me. Grapes

A fruit of red or green, and I start with an a; my juice is brown and sweet, my core you throw away. Green

A line of little bugs, they’re nuisances and pests; put all the food away, unless you want some guests. Ant, ants

A look on your face, that says you are glad; I’m more than a grin to show you're not sad. Smile

A meal in the morning, you sit at the table; you cook up some pancakes, and eggs, if you're able. Breakfast

A measure of length, and I rhyme with pinch; I’m less than a foot, this should be a cinch. Inch

A noodle dish from Italy, that's very hard to spell; I start with s and end with I please ring the dinner bell. Spaghetti

A red sign that tells you, your car must not go on; a place to catch the bus, before it's been and gone. Stop.

A room off a room, where people hang clothes; close the door fast, or it's mess you'll expose! Closet

A sea bird with a long bill, I dive to get my food; and I rhyme with "well, he can..." now, can you guess me, dude? Pelican

A sheet of glass you look through, the outside world you'll see and if the room's too stuffy ask mom to open me. Window

A tub of hot water, cleans when you're yucky; don't forget your soap or your yellow rubber ducky. Bath

A very sharp pain, you get from a bee; I start with an 's', and end with a g. Sting

A very sour fruit, and I start with l; add water and sugar, and I taste just swell. Lemon

A word that means moist, I’m somewhat less than wet; I start with a d, have you thought of me yet? Damp

A word that rhymes with spare, is something very fine; you give me some of yours, I give you some of mine. Share

Across the frozen north, I hunt with my pack; we're searching for a herd, that we can track. Wolf

All cuddly and warm, what you feel is me; I rhyme well with hug, but not with iced tea. Snug

All day I do follow, each move you have made; when I’m cast by a tree, then I am called shade. Shadow

Another name for child, but one that starts with 'k'; or think of baby goat, did that give it away? Kid

Another name for nations, like England and Japan; or Italy or Russia, or even small Iceland. Countries

At first a quick sniff, but, no, I’m not through; starts with a tickle, and ends with achoo! Sneeze

At the rear end of a dog, at the rear end of a cat; and, an ugly one is found, at the rear end of a rat. Tail

Bigger than a pond, but smaller than an ocean I start with an 'l', now, put your brain in motion. Lake

Bigger than a town, I start with a c; my buildings are tall, and streets run through me. City

Blow me up with air tie a knot on my top; poke me with a stick and I will surely pop. Balloon

Child of your aunt, and I contain a u; first, second or step, ah well, how do you do? Cousin

Cock-a-doodle-doo, and I start with r; I crow at the sun, and I end with r. Rooster

Dark glasses are used, when I ‘m in the sky; hang your clothes on a line I’ll help them get dry. Sun

Do me to the ball, if it's thrown to you; try not to drop it, whatever you do. Catch

Do me to your hands, do me to your face; and then, you'll be clean, and not a disgrace. Wash

Don't even start a cookie, without a glass of me; cold and white and healthy, you could have two or three? Milk

For music or noise, you hit me with sticks; I rhyme well with crumb, but not well with ticks. Drum

For nine months I was your home, and I contain a t; such a very special day, is set aside for me. Mother

From black pools in the earth, I’m pumped up from a well; they put me in tankers, and hope that I don't spill. Oil

From my old church steeple, it was two if by sea; or go my direction, old Santa for to see. Old north church, north

From out of your mouth I do pop, and with truth I do rhyme; under your pillow I'll become, a coin during night time. Tooth

High winds and rain, or sleet and snow; call the small boats, tell them, "don't go!" Storm

Humpty had a great one, before he fell apart; now, mom won't let you stand, in that big shopping cart. Fall

I am a good dessert, and I start with p; and I do rhyme with fly, can't you just taste me? Pie

I am a large bird, I start and end with e; my nest is very high, that soaring bird is me. Eagle

I am mined from the ground, and I do contain an er; I used to be in dollars, that weren't made out of paper. Silver

I am not big, or tall like a tree; I start with an 's', and little is me. Small, short

I am not cold, I am not hot; with these two gone, what else have you got? Warm or cool

I am not left, I am not wrong; I rhyme with sight, but not with song. Right

I am really brittle, And I contain an L; You can see right through me, What am I? Can you tell? glass

I am what you are called, first, last, and middle; and I sound much better, than hey diddle, diddle. Name

I am what you may do, when sitting at the table; you chew and you swallow, as well as you are able. Eat, eating

I am what you will do; from nighttime until day, and in me you may dream, and rested, wake to play. Sleep

I can be very sharp, and I start with p; you can even erase, what you wrote with me. Pencil

I can hold up pants, and I start with b; as you start to grow, you change the notch on me. Belt

I catch all the sounds, and I start with e; I look like a shell, you see by the sea. Ear

I come from the forest, and I contain a d; sometimes in the winter, you may set fire to me. Wood

I contain an n, I’m air that's on the move; I can bend a tree, and all its leaves remove. Wind

I contain an s, and I contain a t; think now of a girl, that is in the family. Sister

I cover that tree, I cover that log; or else I’m a sound, that's made by a dog. Bark

I do not mean no, and I rhyme with mess; now, think if you must, then, go ahead, guess. Yes

I don't mean yes, I rhyme with so; I start with n, and end with o. No

I eat lots of grass, and I start with c; the milk in your lunch, all began with me. Cow

I fly through the air, and I start with a; fasten your seat belt, and we're on our way. Airplane

I have a large bill, and I start with g; I've a long, white neck, and I end with e. Goose

I have many pages, and I start with a b; before you learned to read, someone read to you from me. Book

I have many stripes, and I start with z; I am black and white, surely you've seen me. Zebra

I have two wheels, and I start with b; unless I’m training, then see four on me. Bicycle

I just love the mud, and I start with p; I am fat and smart, and I end with g. Pig

I live in the jungle, and I start with t; I have stripes and sharp teeth, my middle letter's g. Tiger

I live on the desert, and I start with c; I have one or two humps, so, don't look for three. Camel

I look like a wild dog, and I start with c; I yap and howl at night, and I end with e. Coyote

I look out on the world, and I start with e; you would depend on hearing, if it weren't for me. Eye

I love to eat carrots, and I end with a t; I’m so soft and fluffy, you love to cuddle me. Rabbit

I love to eat cheese, and I end with t; I have a long tail, a cat's chasing me! Rat

I love to say, "who," and fly through the skies; or perch on a limb, and try to look wise. Owl

I make the drinks cold, get me from the freezer; in cubes, chips, or blocks, I am a drink pleaser. Ice

I may be long or short, I ‘m curly or I ‘m straight; just use a comb or brush, to keep me looking great. Hair

I mean to go fast, and I start with r; of course you could walk, and go just as far. Run

I mean to go high, and I start with j; see me go over, the thing in my way. Jump

I must cut the wood, and I start with s; I rhyme with paw, now, then, can you guess? Saw

I pick things up, I put things down; I rhyme with band, but not with sound. Hand

I pulled the stagecoach, and I end with e; it takes a blacksmith, to put shoes on me. Horse

I rhyme well with stop, do me at the store; bring home lots of stuff, then, go back for more. Shop

I rhyme with dancers, you need me on tests; sometimes I' I’m known, and, sometimes I’m guessed. Answers

I rhyme with date, but not with winner; the dish on which, your mom puts your dinner. Plate

I rhyme with kittens, wear me in the snow; are you still thinking, or do you now know? Mittens

I rhyme with liver, and 'r' starts me; I start in the hills, and end in the sea. River

I rhyme with rash, you can call me money; I start with c, now isn't that funny? Cash

I rhyme with talk, and start with a w; go step by step, and this riddle won't trouble you. Walk

I rhyme with will, and I’m made of ground; smaller than a mountain, but larger than a mound. Hill

I ride on the water, and I start with b; with sail or motor, you can go with me. Boat

I ride on your shoulders, and I start with b; and I carry your books, your lunch rides in me. Backpack

I sit upon your shoulders, and I end with k; you would surely lose your head, if I went away. Neck

I sleep through the winter, and I start with b; when you're in the state parks, please, please don't feed me. Bear

I slither through the grass, to find some food I like; my fangs tell all creatures, that I’m ready to strike. Snake

I start and end with s, and your feet I hide; rub me on the mat, if you've been outside. Shoes

I start with an f, which doesn't stand for fail; the part of your hand, that ends up in a nail. Finger

I start with an 's', and end with 'p'; and sail upon, the salty sea. Ship

I start with l, and I rhyme with dawn; I’m thick and green, and fun to play on. Lawn

I start with 'p' and am your friend, I’m found around the house; a dog or cat or hamster too, but rarely ever mouse. Pet, pets

I start with t, that's my railroad; I may say, "choo!," and not have a cold. Train

I stick out of your face, and I end with an e; but if you have a cold, you won't smell much with me. Nose

I swim in the ocean, I swim in the river; my tuna tastes yummy. Much better than liver. Fish

I was just born, when hungry I cry; I start with 'b', and I end with y. Baby

I wave every day, without going away; you give me your pledge, to start off the school day. Flag

I wiggle in the ground, and with the rain come out; and fishermen use me, to catch that bass or trout. Worm, worms

I will be your friend, and I start with d; I will guard your house, and I end with g. Dog

I will chase a mouse, and I start with c; I will chase a bird and I end with t. Cat

I will chew on a can, and I start with g; I will chew on grass, and I end with t. Goat

I will gather some nuts, and I start with s; see my bushy tail, am I hard to guess? Squirrel

I will lay an egg, and I eat corn from the ground; and with my sisters, I make a clucking sound. Hen or chicken

I wrap around his wrist, and tell him of the time; I may or may not tick, I hope you like this rhyme. Watch

If you are a girl, you are not a he; I start with an 's', and end with an e. She

If you count to ten, then, I come after five; I end with an x, this riddle you'll survive. Six

If you get a treat, I am what you say; 'cause being polite's, a very good way. Thank you

If you'd like a cookie, I’m what you need to say; and since you're so polite, your mom says, "Yes, you may." Please

I'm a bird who walks or swims, but who cannot fly; my eggs are on the land, that by the sea does lie. Penguin

I'm a fuzzy, sweet fruit, and I start with a p; a pit is what is left, when you're done eating me. Peach

I'm a kind of carpet, that lies on the floor; be careful not to trip or you will be sore. Rug

I'm a kind of tree, with needles and cones; I rhyme well with dine, but not well with bones. Pine

I'm a little, red fruit, and I start with c; George Washington with axe, once chopped down my tree. Cherry

I'm a loaf, I ‘m a slice, I ‘m a sandwich to be; peanut butter and jam, go very well with me. Bread

I'm a measure of milk, and I contain a u; I’m larger than a cup, there's an a in me too. Quart

I'm a name for your dad, and I rhyme with mop; I’m a name for soda, push tab or screw top. Pop

I'm a piece of pizza, yes, I’m a piece of pie; I rhyme quite well with spice, these riddles never lie. Slice

I'm a shiny metal, and I end with a d; look at your good jewelry, and you may well see me. Gold

I'm a source of water, and I contain an a; if I’m in the forecast, you'll stay inside to play. Rain

I'm a tasty fruit, and I rhyme with glum; and once I was stuck, to Jack Horner's thumb. Plum

I'm a unit of gas, you pay for what is pumped; and I contain an a, I hope that you're not stumped. Gallon

I'm a unit of sugar, you add to your iced tea; and I am eight letters long, a cup is more than me. Teaspoon

I'm a unit of weight, I’m a thing hammers do; scales tell how many, there are of me in you. Pound

I'm a very thick mist, and I contain a g; you may see me in London, or out upon the sea. Fog

I'm a yellow fruit, and I start with b; you could fall right down, if you stepped on me. Banana

I'm adorable, in every way; and I rhyme with boot, or so they all say. Cute

I'm all the things you eat, the name for all that stuff; from steak to juice to rice, from lettuce to cream puff. Food

I'm an oak. I'm an elm, and I start with t; you'll need to ask mom, before you climb me. Tree

I'm baked in an oven, but I am not a cake; there're z's in my name, what a meal I make. Pizza

I'm bounced and I’m hit, I’m kicked and I’m tossed; the game has to end, if I ever get lost. Ball

I'm brown and rather gooey, a gift to you from bees; I’m sweet but I’m not chewy, and sometimes found in trees. Honey

I'm brown ground-up ground, and I rhyme with hurt; I start with a d, and get smeared on your shirt. Dirt

I'm cooler, yes, than cool, the opposite of hot; think snow without a coat, now that's a chilling thought. Cold

I'm covered with sand, and waves break on me; you stand at the edge, and look out to sea. Beach

I'm done with a ball, and I start with s; I go in a hoop, I hope you can guess. Shoot or shot

I'm done with a bat, and I end with t; to get a home run, then you must do me. Hit

I'm done with the arm, and I start with t; if you want to pitch, then you must do me. Throw or toss

I'm done with the foot, and I start with k; the ball comes to me, I send it away. Kick

I'm down near the ground, and I start with a t; I’m part of a foot, folks call me piggie. Toe

I'm found inside pillows, I help keep birds dry; I ‘m soft to the touch, birds need me to fly. Feathers

I'm green and hop around, and "ribbit's" what you hear, I’m bigger than a cricket, but smaller than a deer. Frog

I'm hard, icy balls, that hurt if they hit you; and I start with h, now, what does that get you? Hail

I'm how far you drove the car, and I rhyme with style; I am longer than a foot, guess me and you'll smile. Mile

I'm how you make a hole, and I start with d; you may need a shovel, and I end with g. Dig

I'm just below your leg, the flat part with the toes; you kick the ball with me, and see how far it goes. Foot

I'm like a crocodile, and rhyme with agitator; you'll figure this out now, or figure it out later. Alligator

I'm more than four, but less than six, like fingers on one hand; or piggies going to market, now your answer, I command. Five

I'm not hamburger, and yet I am ground; and I rhyme with Bert, on kids' clothes I’m found. Dirt

I'm orange and in a glass, upon a breakfast table; and I do rhyme with Bruce, but I don't rhyme with Mabel. Juice

I'm part of a book, the part that you turn; when you read my words, just think what you'll learn. Page

I'm such a sweet, sweet fruit, whose name does rhyme with cherry; to pick me from the vine, be careful; very, very. Berry

I'm the front of your head, the part mom says to wash; without my eyes and mouth, now, how could you say, "gosh!" Face

I'm the sound of a duck I begin with a 'q'; I’ll give you a hint, not cock-a-doodle-doo! Quack

I'm the thing that thumps, when you've been on a run; I’m on valentines, that you send just for fun. Heart

I'm used to tie the present, I’m used to tie her hair; I make the package pretty, and pigtails take a pair. Ribbon

I'm very hard and shiny, and I contain a t; bridges and ships and tow trucks, are all made out of me. Steel

I'm very nice weather, and I rhyme with air; the day is so pleasant, I don't have a care. Fair

I'm what kids must take, for rest in the day; you lay on your bed, then, go out to play. Nap

I'm what ovens do, to make you a cake; I start with a 'b' and I rhyme with rake. Bake

I'm what the postman brings, the letters, ads, and such; from strangers you don't know, and friends who stay in touch. Mail

I'm what you say in greeting, "hi" is short for me; you'd say I rhyme with jell-o, is this one too easy? Hello

I'm what you write upon, and I start with p; if you fold me just right, then you can fly me. Paper

I'm what you're doing, just perched in that chair; I rhyme with knitting, and not with beware. Sitting

I'm where you sit at school, and I start with an 's', a chair or stool or bench, the one is hard to guess. Seat

Look up to see us, we twinkle at night; with our friend the moon, we help give you light. Stars

Mom says you must put me on, to go out in the snow; I’m warmer than your jacket, so, zip me up and go. Coat

My captain is the one, who battled peter pan; I’m the end of the line, for that worm in the can. Captain hook, hook

My color means please stop, and I end in d; and some fire engines, have been painted me. Red

My eater was a man, I think his name was peter; or cut a face in me, and I’m a scary greeter. Peter Pumpkineater, pumpkin

My gun just cannot shoot, but rolls on four wheels; alone my dog's tail, tells just how good he feels. Wagon, wag

My neck is so long, and I start with g; I eat leaves in trees, there's an r in me. Giraffe

My sound is a quack, and I start with d; I can fly or swim, it is up to me. Duck

My table held the food, for Arthur and the knights; or else I tell how long, they've lasted in the fight. Round table, rounds

My wife does all the hunting, while I just lie around; my loud roar tells you I’m king, my mane looks like a crown. Lion

Now I am just not pretty, and I contain ag; but like the famous duckling, you have to wait and see. Ugly

Now you see me stuffed, or living in a zoo; from noisy chimpanzee, to hopping kangaroo. Animals, animal

Now, you suck upon, the tube in your drink; you gulp as you watch, the drink level sink. Straw

Please check out my shell, I’m slow and I’m green; I walk on the land, or go submarine. Turtle

Pot and I both, do start with a 'p'; use me to heat, that can of chili. Pan

Put birds inside me so they won't fly away; hang me on a stand, and clean me every day. Cage, birdcage

See me in the tree, I do give a hoot; I’m looking for mice, my big eyes are cute. Owl

Some call me a sack, put groceries in me; paper or plastic, I still start with b. Bag

Some kids will ride me, to get to their school; mostly painted yellow, I’m no horse or mule. Bus

Step after step, go faster and faster; stumble and you, will meet with disaster. Run, dash, sprint

Tears in your eyes you're not feeling glad; I start with 's', and I rhyme with lad. Sad

Tents only have one, a house has far more, and I rhyme with boom, now, please shut the door. Room

The bag in the microwave, it grows and it makes noise; I’m a hot and tasty treat, for all the girls and boys. Popcorn

The coat of a bear, the coat of a weasel; I rhyme well with her, but not well with diesel. Fur

The color of a juice, and I end with e; a fruit that is quite sweet, is named for me. Orange

The color of a tree, and I start with a g; and if you have a lawn, let's hope it's colored me. Green

The color of the dark, the color of the night; the color of some bears, the opposite of white. Black

The color of the sky, and I start with b; and if it's deep and clear, the lake is colored me. Blue

The color of the sun, and I start with y; there are two l's in me, guess me, oh please try. Yellow

The meal you eat at school, let's hope you brought some money; 'cause going without me, is never very funny. Lunch

The opposite of light, I start with a d; a flashlight you will need, to see into me. Dark

The opposite of night, a word that ends in y; at sunrise I begin, at sunset say, "goodbye!" Day

The opposite of there, a word that rhymes with deer; just think with all your might, you'll get it, never fear. Here

The opposite of woman, and I rhyme with fan; now, can you get the answer? Yes, of course, you can. Man

The place where you go to learn every day; except in the summer, and, then, you just play. School

The plate on baseball's field, another word for house; the place you hope that you, will never see a mouse. Home

There're pickles in me, and I start with 'j'; you unscrew my lid, and take what you may. Jar

Think first of a number, called lucky by some; or think of four and three, now, what do they sum? Seven

Think now of a coin, that's less than a dime; more than a penny, can you guess what i'm? Nickel

Think of a tired dog, who's run around the block; or think of what to wear, that starts about the socks. Pants

Think of little pigs, or of mice that are blind find the right number, and you won't fall behind Three

Though I contain a w, it doesn't make a sound; my fate is never to be right, this poem is quite profound. Wrong

To the dump I haul, the garbage of the city; and I rhyme with duck, I hope you like this ditty. Truck

Two kids are running, and both try to win; I start with an 'r', and end with a grin. Race

Two pieces of bread, a food for your lunch; you choose what goes in, and then start to munch. Sandwich

Use me to sit on, for small kids I ‘m high; but don't stand on me, unless you can fly. Chair

Way up the mountain, the color of the snow; the color of those new sheets, and, yes, that new pillow. White

We grow in the garden, but we weren't invited; so we are pulled or sprayed, whenever we're sighted. Weeds

We're a bunch of flakes, whose name starts with s; think of white winters, and maybe you'll guess. Snow

What they will say things are, that do not cost a thing; while I rhyme well with tree, I don't rhyme well with ring. Free

Wheels on your feet, blades if there is ice; I begin with s, falling isn't nice. Skates

When something's not good, we say it is me; I start with a 'b', and end with a d. Bad

When you are not well, they say you are me; though it's just a cold, it's bedtime for thee. Sick

Which way do you look, to see that plane fly? And if you said down, no one would know why. Up

With feathers and wings, I’m able to fly; I start from a branch, and head for the sky. Bird, birds

With ter I can be cold, the trees are damp with snow; with ner it was my race, to best the rest, you know. Winter, winner

Yesterday is gone, they say, tomorrow lies ahead; I am the day you live in, until you go to bed. Today

You just crawl into me, and never count sheep; with blanket and pillow, you go right to sleep. Bed

You keep us in a box, and with us you do play; you hope to get some more, upon your next birthday. Toy, toys

You look at the words, and know what they say; I’m something to do, 'most every day. Read

You may call me burro, and I start with d; put a load on my back, you can count on me. Donkey

You need me to breathe, you need me to fly; I rhyme well with hair, but not well with tie. Air

You plant me in the ground, and give me lots of care; I grow up in the spring, with lots of flowers there. Seed, seeds

You switch the switch, from on to me; I start with 'o', and not with z. Off

You take me for a drive, and I start with c; but if I’m out of fuel, you won't ride in me. Car

You'll do me to your finger, if careless with that knife; do me to that chocolate cake, to get yourself a slice. What am I? Cut it, cut

You'll find me in your mouth, I help you talk and shout; and everybody knows, it's rude to stick me out. Tongue

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