Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

It would be out of the theater in a weekend

I got an email from someplace. I sometimes get job spam on my less current email, but I thought, maybe this is a possibility. I went to the text link (html not activated). It was a presentation with shoddy, piss-poor illegible graphics and a sloppy, ill-prepared podcast. I was listening for minutes, sometimes going back to the graphics, often just listening. It made an interesting comment, which lead up to (2 minutes later) the name of the company. It's tidbit of trivia was: The US has 6 percent of the world's population and 70 percent of the world's attorneys.

It was the company of pre-paid legal. I remember that I got that one year as Monkeyjack was selling it. I found that I didn't use it and I wisely put the charge on a credit card that expired anyway. What a waste. Granted, they had no footwork or phone call to make, but it was simply terrible.

I doubt seriously that many people would be enticed by the thing. I killed it when they said the name. Some of the stuff was geared to media-hyped fear of identity theft -- like they could help you with that. First: prove who you are. Second: identify that which is your and that which isnt'. Pay for it all and there you have it. Their schtick -- more manhours available to their team. Generally though, the attorneys don't do squat, but rather paralegals do the bulk of it.

I give the whole big pie a fat "F", as in 'bugger off.

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