Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

take 2, pay 1

There's a temp company that is happy keeping people on temp status. Worse still, they charge principalities, townships, counties, and states whopping sums and payt out little. From the short experience I had with them, this company, sounds like smelly, had contracts with these governments to do work. They are wasteful and from what I have seen of the work, efficient only on one end. On the other end it seems to me that they are likely the ones to buy hammers for $200.

So this company partners itself with a national company but bilks government for money. That's taxpayer money, man, so there's my beef with it. I don't like wasteful companies, but if McDonald's were to choose Flakey Joe's discounted discount breading stuffs for their buns and the product isn't worth what they paid ... so what, they could and should choose another one. The people making choices for other things are not up for review. Their ignorant choices go unchecked and unnoticed by the general public.

I could venture a conspiracy ... padding someone's pocket, but it is just as likely that a stupid person in a position to make decisions, makes bad ones and is confortable with them. Why change, for then it smacks of, "did you make a bad choice before".

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