Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

He's cured

Boy ... here comes the crap just dropped in the fan.

Ted Haggard got therapy for his gayness. I'm okay and not gay now. Boy, that's going to do wonders for society. You see ... you're gay, but with therapy, we can get that gayness under control. Now with talk therapy and Gaynomo (TM), those suffering with homosexuality can be cured of that wicked disease.

The DSM III listed homosexuality as a disease, while the DSM IV did not. There are schools of thought on both, but it has been the prevailing idea being gay is not a disease. This Haggard person in the spotlight undoes all of that. Now, back nearly to square one, homosexuals have an uphill battle.

I personally state, if you are gay, then you are. If you are bi-sexual, then you are gay. I don't regard it as a disease for many people do gay things, act gay, and engage in homosexual acts for many reasons. One, it is trendy to bend the rules, including sexual bounds. To do gay things, smiling all the way ... to be trendy, you can't then respond, "I'm not gay." You are.

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