Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

beside himself

Eddie Murphy makes another movie that is all about him. Let's see, Nutty Professor, Coming to America sometimes disguised as a fat person. Now ... Norbit is Eddie Murphy chasing himself, one grotesque fat chasing geeky thin. Huh. Will I watch it?

Heck no! What a waste of time. This isn't a movie review, but rather a prediction. Movie is trash and forgettable.

Imagine Jim Carey and Jim Carey in some movie with a whole mess load of him, just him. How about a movie with just Robin Williams? End this idea of (apply coefficient here) Eddie Murphy in movie named Nutty Barbershop Mansion Norbit.

I've got this great idea for a one man Hamlet. You all the characters are in his head ..."+

+ Soapdish

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