Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Pope's fiasco

Look, it was a lovely piece of fish and all I said was, "this meal is fit for Mohammad". [stoning ensues].

Hold it! Hold it! No one and I repeat, no one is to throw any stones until I blow this whistle. Even, and let me make this absolutely clear, even if they mention the name, "Mohammad" [stoning ensues]

......... next itme up for bid ..........
I saw a MSNBC discussions on Guantanimo Bay detainees and their treatment. What they were bellyaching about was far kinder than some prisoners receive. I submit: loud noises, extreme temperatures, sleep deprevation, poor quality food (not the case here) are all standard in the course of captivity and warfare. They are allowed to exercise religion, in prayer five times daily toward Mecca, which in their world heracy is met with death. Prisoners would meet no such guarantee of prayer if they were American.

To this, an American general or seargent remarked that the Taliban and Al-Quada didn't take many prisoners, favoring to behead them (noting many videos of prisoner executions).

I think if they want something about which to complain, then the US should be obliging, starting with denial of prayer time ever, denial of legal services (for none would be granted with a role reversal). We could, but shouldn't , also behead a few on video for failing to provide reasonable information.


MR said...

Now THIS was funny.

MR said...

No, no... this is Guantanemo E-bay. We take pictures of the terrorists and we auction off their execution. You show up, we hand you the gun and you shoot 'em while they "try to escape." If you don't want to wait for the auction to expire you can use the "Kill 'em Now" feature.