Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, September 18, 2006

more Celebrity fiction

If they were to remake Arthur, I would suggest Johnny Depp for two reasons: his playing a drunken pirate has given him able experience in doing a drunk, and also that I'm not interested in seeing Arthur Redeux or a Johnny Depp movie (with helpful additions by Tim Burton). George Clooney would be a good bet, but he lack physical comedy.

1 comment:

MR said...

Johnny Dep lost whatever following he had after basically playing Michael Jackson in Willy Wonka. George Clooney? More politics and incorrect opinion than talent. If it weren't for Rosemary Clooney and his political Dad, he'd be nowhere.

I didn't notice it until recently, but Loretta Swit plays a funny drunk on MASH.

Maj. Houlahan: "ya know... yer not shhuch a bad guy, Colonel."
Henry Blake: "aw, call me Henry for petes sake."
Maj. Houlahan (softening): "that's really shwell of you, Pete."