Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

an oil bath, thank the maker

We've all got a mission in life
We get into different ruts
Some are just cogs on the wheels
Others are just plain nuts
Science is some folks calling
Others pilot a ship
My mission in life stated simply is
A moustache on every lip

She was an acrobat's daughter
She swung by her teeth from a noose
But one matinee her bridgework gave way
And she flew through the air like a goose


My name is Daffy Duck
I work on the merry-go-round
The job was swell, I did quite well
'Till the merry-go-round broke down
The guy that worked with me
Was a horse with the lavender eye
Around in whirls we winked at girls
'Till the merry-go-round broke down
Up and down and around it we sped
The dizzy pace soon went to my head
Now you know why I'm dizzy
And do the things I do
I am askew and you'd be too
When the merry-go-round broke down
Yes the merry go round broooookkkkkkeeeeeeeeee.... down

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