Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


time was 1985. Yngwie Malmsteen was in the new rock CDs. With a name like that I never would have thought he was a rocker. He is a clever and inventive guitarist, much like Hendrix was. At that time I would have thought it was in the wrong place, deserving more to be with pan-flute fluff from Yani. I was at a mall, in Musicland playing an activision game when a kid came up next to me. I didn't care. I had recently bought a bag of small cookies from Original Cookie Co., and munched on a few while feverishly playing some simple game.

"Gimme cookie."
"Gimme cookie", was the repeated statement. By this time I had looked at the boy who simply looked at me. I handed him one, though I was a little aghast. I was and am a suburbanite, knowing little of urban culture. I generally wouldn't have asked a stranger for anything, let alone commanded it. I guess, "gimme" means, "Please. I know you don't know who I am, but you have some extra. May I please have one of those, as you seem like a nice person and have more than one."

To further describe my ignorance: In middle school there was a boy who had, "a bad acid trip", so he was not in school for a long while. I thought that he was a junior chemist who had sadly spilled inobtainable strong acid on himself, burning and scarring himself. Where was my head -- not on drugs. Thankfully, it still isn't. Apart from alcohol, I have miraculously come through life drug free.

I was at a friends' house when a neighbor came over to introduce us to LCR. While playing, we were of course, talking. He mentioned that he only-recently heard of an urban legend of an injury due to stupidity. Apparently there was some sort of straw injury to the nose. I won't say any more, but was explained the term, "shrimping". To this day I wish I had been out of the room to be happy and ignorant about that. EWWWWW!
Scarred I am.

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