Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Snickers commercial

That was gross! Gross! Gross! Guys share food, a cylindrical object between their mouths. They did something manly. What they needed to do was something straight, not "manly". Quick! Club each other with large wrenches to remove the memory!

That's manly! Gross, gay, do not press play! How about Emerald's commercial with Goulet?


MR said...

Apparently their website accepts anonymous e-mails (or you can leave your e-mail). I stopped by and told them not only was the commercial gay, it was cliche and referred them to Planes, Trains and Automobiles for one historic reference.

Are there more gay people out there than I think there are? Why is everyone treating "gay" like it's a trend? Why is it considered "outrageous, gone-wild behavior" when girls make out? Isn't that just plain old lesbianism?

MR said...

It seems the best SuperBowl commercial this year (most were bad) was the hitchhiker with and axe/chainsaw.