Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, January 22, 2007

doors closed

I got a letter that a company "lucked into" getting a person with twelve years experience for the position I applied. Good for them, bad for me. I got a notice yesterday that a company went with another applicant. This was the third time this company told me the same thing ... kicking me when I'm down. I got another notice of, "no". I have potentials, but nothing I can hold.

It sucks navel lint out of a dog named Chunks, which blows


Anonymous said...

I might suggest now that gas prices have dropped, you might want to go bang on doors, as they say. Instead of a typed, prepared and mass-produced resume, maybe a handwritten application filled out in the lobby show more initiative. The first thing they will notice is that you've been to their company. Perhaps you've already done this.

Anonymous said...

They said "we're sorry, but we found someone who is NOT predisposed to assinine behavior."