Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cosmos & Cosmos (forgotten entry)

Carl Sagan's Cosmos was an interesting show. I found them and watch them every now and then. A very interesting point made was in perception and limits. "What is the shape of the universe?" "What is the shape of time?"
Before seeing this show or shortly after seeing it in the 70s I thought some deep thoughts about limits.

In a sense, this episode delves into the bigger questions: is the universe expanding? What then is the universe's shape? If the universe is flat (remind yourself of Christopher Columbus)? At each level, all things on "lower" levels seem particularly fast, while all things on "greater" levels seem particularly slow. Is it possible that there is a cycle to what we consider existence? Each new creation then is different than the last.

Then I move on to Cosmos, a local restaurant that closed a building in a poorer section, in favor of keeping the north location. It wasn't my cup of tea, but the folks mentioned it, as they had been there on a few occasions. My father visted there more often due to golfing near there sometimes.

1 comment:

MR said...

You make more sense when you get sleep. Today's blogs are coherant.

And you only need watch Men in Black to know that our Milky Way Galaxy is just one marble in a bag of marbles, each with a galaxy in them, that belong to a little tentacled green alien. [end of the movie]