Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

It's so beautiful

Fort Wayne's board has written a wonderul re-submission to the smoking ban and ordinances. While it concludes with, "more money and staff needed ... inadequete at this time ..." it is an idea for policy change. Namely, the exclusion of "clubs" that would allow smoking via a clause. Bars might also be affected when a new law or ammendment is ratified, which might end smoking in bars as well. What was surprising was that Indiana has the 2nd highest adult tobacco usage in the US, if I read that correctly. That is surprising.

When the new laws, hopefully bearing out to reality &/or ammendments are written and ratified, I hope that Indiana is a less-smoke filled state. I believe that, since smokers spend around $1000- $2000 per year, that could easily be spent on Nicorete gum or patches to cure the habit.

This is based on the report on the direct relationship between smoke (first or second-hand) and disease. It's really obvious, but people are generally stupid or fiesty, preferring their ignorance. I'm sure that the people who smoke would not like it if I were to pull out a plastic model and begin building it with glue at the dinner table. What's that you say, it stinks and is proven to be a health hazzard? Gosh ... quit your smoking and you got yourself a deal! If you smoke, I'll laquer my curio cabinet near you ... use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire danger.

I think Kraft Foods can make good money without the cigarette sales.

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