Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Movie on stupidity

I got it from the library, categorized as an educational video. It wasn't educaitonal, per se, but worth seeing parts of it. The premise is analyzing the dumbing of humans through media, but it first examines the psychological terms of "idiot, imbecile, moron" related to IQ. Now these terms are synomous and interchangable for stupid acts or persons acting in a stupid manner.

The movie raises some interesting points, but continues to use the same technique it claims that TV does to capture the audience -- soundbites and 2-5 seccond bursts of visuals; including violence, sex, and less savory human tendencies. I found it easier to experience with my eyes closed, visuals distracting from the meaning. In the end, it both reviles and shields Bush in regards to stupidity. Generally, post viewing perspective -- which is it, that he is stupid, "only plays one on TV"+, or that he is made stupid.

In any case, many are stupid, anyone can act in a stupid manner, and that no one that they polled (people on the street) could really give a good meaning of the word stupid. There were a few long scenes of people waiting to enter a theater to see Steve-O and a Jackass creator in "action". While waiting, COPS crowd antics ensued including jumping onto a locally parked car, uprooting of a street sign, and more. What a complete waste! The throngs of the easily manipulated couried and pushed into violence by the anticipation of stupid live acts.

I won't rate the movie, as I would not want to see it in its entirety again, but ... I would like it re-edited for the 20 -40 some good minutes of narration that it does have. The background could be switched instead of seeing countless Jackass-esque antics from real accidents or violence. That would, of course, "rip the soul" out of the artistic work that is Stupidity.

+ used in the movie declaring him to be not an idiot

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