Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Well then, y'all

In both of these scenes, the pistol packers fired at Snagglepuss who ran much like Oz's cowardly lion (perhaps a greater source of the character's basis then my description below) He was the target because he was a lion, or was it beccause he was pink?

I better do a lil' ol' yell to protect my lil' ol' self, she said in a lil' ol' southern belle accent. A lion on deck! Snagglepuss, a laughable name now, but appripo for the era. Snaggle (getting caught in messes) and puss, shortened for cat, a softer kinder word before the usurping of it for euphemisms anatomy. I think, quite sharply the creators, Hanna Barbara were keen to the relationship between efeminate voiced lion and a pink character who says everything as though he were on stage.

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