Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Walkin' away

Mother is making greater strides. She felt urgency and walked, painfully, to the bathroom. Who you don't see in the picture is Thomas pushing the pole, for Lois cannot use a walker and pull the pole.

Earlier with the physical therapist, she walked to the nurses' desk and then into the hallway, erecting a flag to mark her achievement. The orthopedic PCA (patient care assistant; aka nurse's aide, aka; tech -- who might very well have a masters) came to see Lois today and was pleased with her range of motion. Her also wants her now to work on straightening her legs/knees, very imporant for standing.

The good news is, she might be moved yet again tomorrow or Wednesday -- to rehab, but nothing is certain.

This morning she was grumpy, but she settled down. I'd say for a 70 year-old, she's doing pretty well on two new knees. My stress level went down a notch.

1 comment:

MR said...

She was like: "M-----! Could you take my picture in this LOVELY hospital gown while I toddle to the rest room? I REALLY want to commemorate this moment. I hope they let me keep the gown."