Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, September 22, 2006

400 of NOTHING

I was at MR's last night, he pays tons monthly for high-end cable. I got a chance at "the wheel" and after looking at the 400-600 channels, absolutely nothing. Not a friggin' thing! I would not want a boat like that!+ He's paying buttloads for crap they consider entertainment. What a joke / waste!

+Veruca Salt on Willy Wonka & and Chocolate Factory

1 comment:

MR said...

Actually, I need that many channels to find even one thing worth watching. Right now, all about human sacrifice by the Aztecs. The stairs on their temples were steep on purpose...after they killed the guy, they would roll him down the stairs to cover them with blood, because they were CERTAIN that it's what their God wanted.

...fucking psychos.

No regrets on the cable bill, while they show some completely stupid and pointless stuff, they are supporting High Definition technology better than any other provider.