Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, September 22, 2006


Iraq + Iran = larger madness. I believe in 2000 I mentioned this trend, now it's coming together. Iranq, now hate is twice the size. To counter this, CIA has methods of gaining information. Some persons put together a list of don'ts that include typical military training challenges: loud noises (live fire traing, ever hear of that), extrmeme temperatures (typical), poor quality food, etc. Those are NOT torture. They are difficult, uncomfortable, sometime nasty when combined, but not torture. Ask a bum on the street, jobless, hungry/starving s/he suffers from loud noises, discomfort, extreme temperatures and weather, sleep deprivation. What? You say street "sleepers" suffer all of those things, yet no jerkwater lawyer is suing the federal government for letting it happen? How outrageous!

CIA: if you need to have torture defined to you -- step away. Electrical burning or high voltage use, 3rd degree burning, organ dysfunction, that sort of thing is bad. The whining from people about the living hell in Guantanamo sickens me, as the detainees are treated far more humanely than their American counterparts.

Back to Iranq, where there is no word by the Ayatollah sheik, speaking the words of Allah according to Garp, er, uh, I mean Mohammad. Remember women, respect the cattle, for you are below them. There is but one call, kill all non-Muslims; through peace and glory of Allah we shall vanquish enemies mercifully raping and killing infidels just like it says here in the book.

A larger hate-the-US-and-Western-civilization country, isn't really what the world needs. I do fear that for a short time, Iranq will exist, then split apart as it's based on hate and conquering. I guess they didn't allow people to study the history of Europe, eh?

1 comment:

MR said...


Iraq is engaged in sectarian infighting. But not a civil war as some would like to label it. Why not a civil war? Because the government is still operating, Iraqis are bumping each other off at the rate of about 100 a day. When an American is killed it tends to be predominantly by IED (improvised explosive device).

As for Iran, if they could harness all the hot air their putting out to the world media, they wouldn't need the rods for their nuclear reactors. They are no where NEAR a nuclear weapon, we caught them too early. A.Q. Khan from Pakistan sold them centrifuges and nuclear technology, as he did to North Korea, but Iran wasn't even close when we confronted them. I don't see a problem with Iran, as I think our intelligence coming out of there is much better than what we were getting from Iraq. Also, Iran is the war we've been preparing for for decades, Iraq was a spur of the moment thing.