Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Man, oh, man!

I am so happy with the new form, sir. You don't know how long I spent with a long-winded spiel about why John Doe doesn't get the job or why Jane Doe can't be a part of our great team. The new form letter, "F*ing No!" is so refreshing. I put in the name at the top, courtesy of MS Word and pow! It prints off thirty thousand. Better still ... I'm not mailing a blinking thing! I email those bits and sit back and peruse the internet for stuff. Thanks boss.

What about the recipients? Oh, I guess the "F*ing NO!" should be simply ... "No, not at this time ---


I got one with a stationary, watermark circled "L". What does that mean?

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