Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Hezbollah has a following

Israel sends bombs to southern Lebanon and Hezbollah sends out the word of the evils of Israel. I cannot believe at the following this group has. I'd say a group that killed 240 some Marines in '83, and will never stop attacking the military of Israel (as they have claimed), isn't a group I could support. The leader, cleric Sheik Hanssan Nasrallah has said that he isn't interested in a war with the US. I don't think that he can see the relationship between Israel and the US. I really don't see the US siding with too many fundamentalist Muslim groups or nations.

I can understand him having a following in Lebanon, but in other nations -- a wonder. As I was looking at flickr, a woman had pictures pro Nasrallah and against Israel. Now, I know that it's very unlikely, given her name and that she's posting on the internet that she's from southern Lebanon. I can just see her typing away, if covered, her messages on how evil Israel is, from a bombed-out building. Oh, wait ... no. She's probably in the West, away from the fighting.

Hey, make a stand for them -- join them in southern Lebanon. I personally think that she should be a part of that. Be a real groupee.

I did see on MSNBC that Hezbollah and bin Laden supposedly don't share some ideals and are from different groups, Sunni and Shiate. If that is so, and they have a tear war between the two, that would be excellent, but not for the citizens. I think, however, it might show the lunacy in their warfare in that civilians and children are preferred targets with missiles, as the military can be taken down with other methods.

Another thing I find amazing is why the media had to tell people why children make "great" targets. Obviously when killed, they end a generation, are smaller (weaker), and it demoralizes the enemy. That works only on small scales. If that group were to try that in America ... I think the US would evacuate everyone from Israel. Yep -- you all can have that place, for the next 500,000 years. You won it! [missiles in the air] Go ahead. Take it!

The US would not back down on targeting children. Hell! I'd break into installations and fire the nukes myself. Israel has an edge. While Syria has clearly sided with Hezbollah -- selling them weapons and providing shelter to terrorists; clearly they have to obtain them from somewhere, like Iran. If Iraq goes postal (civil war eminant), getting weapons through might be easy or impossible. Also, the US could snipe the convoys without suspicion.

I'm not a supporter of civilian killing, but I can't fault Israel from defending itself again as it will always have to do while it is surrounded by groups wanting to kill it. I still maintain that Israel, for whatever arguments people make against them, had a fairly peaceful area with Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. Name a Muslim area or nation with Christians -- Jews. That's right, you can't! I cannot side with groups who kill non-Muslims.

1 comment:

MR said...

I can't wait to see the reaction when the Aug. 31st deadline comes and goes for Iran to relinquish it's nuclear project. China and Russia agreed to the deadline, although the wording did not specify sanctions. The plan is to strangle off items that Iran needs to survive, as well as any technology that might help them develop nukes. BUT, failing all that, if Russia and China start getting queasy and wishy-washy, I know it will come down to a call from W to the president of Israel that says "take 'em out, and send me the bill." Then all the Arab nations will say how up in arms they are and more "death to America" which is becoming as big of a joke as "Jihad" these days.

With regard to Israel hitting civilians, Hezbollah encourages that so they can get sympathy. They do not care about the people of Lebanon, if they did, they would be wearing UNIFORMS to distinguish themselves. That's what a uniform does, protects the non-militants. But clearly Hezbollah has proved they don't care about civilian life on either side, they lob unguided missiles in the general direction of Israeli homes, taking whatever casualties they can get.

I say wipe them out. They are a terrorist organization, driven by hate and anti-semitism.