Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Shocking denial

Lebanese Defense Minister Elias Murr disputed allegations that Hezbollah was firing missiles from Qana. Oh, no ... can't be. Hezbollah, the same group who kidknaps people ... certainly they would be honest!

I agree that civilians are sadly being slaughtered, but I also know that no amount of placating the 'against Zionists' groups would never happen. I would like to point out that Arafat was offered the West Bank -- didn't take it. That has to do with mainly his embezzling the billions of dollars from "his people", but were Israel to stop defending itself pro-actively against well funds groups, it would fall. Israel has the US. All the other nations are set to destroy Israel. Sadly, it has to take bold steps to defend itself. Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran all fund groups to take out Israel. If you could get that to stop happening, well ... Isarael wouldn't have to be on the defensive, now would it?

I see groups continuing to gain support because they attack, flee and are protected by sympathizers. Hey -- World! Israel won't go without a fight. It has nuclear weapons and presently the support of the US. Stop trying to get rid of Israel. Stop it! That -- there is the problem.

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