Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

More valid bitching (this time, with profanity)

The fucking gloves are off man! I am pissed! First, we have the above on Monster dot shit! Naval fucking reserve?! Why the hell is that shit there?! Monster &*^$@# -- assholes! If I wanted to join the military -- they'd take my ass in a heartbeat for they aren't getting boku volunteers now. Now on to my second bitching ...

It's great when you are required to apply through a dead link. Nice going fucking idiots!

I have created now well over 12 accounts with companies.

I've got an idea... "screw off Monster!" There's a Monster piece of shit, and I'm very tired of it. When I log on every day, it makes want to blow them away. I also have to enter No Thanks to ads while clicking page to page on Monster. They way overcharge if a company posts there for money, advertisers post everywhere and applicants have to go through another 7-10 pages of more applicantion pages on a company's website.

I think this is why unemployment might rise. Few have the patience to deal with the bullshit of having to enter the same friggin' stuff, over and over again. If I wanted to fill out 3-sheet applications for local under-paying jobs, I'd do that, but I'm not fucking interested! may not have the privilege of kissing my ass! They are, however, welcome to eat all of my fecal matter.

1 comment:

MR said...

Heavens to Betsy!

Your journey to the dark side is complete, you have abandoned the last ways of that sad, ancient religion of teaching and are swearing like a longshoreman.

It's always been my experience that the internet is fine for collecting general data, but not specific data. By that I mean, I looked up safety tests and reviews on my car with the internet and knew what I was buying, but I didn't use it to find the car, I just went to the nearest dealership and did it in person. As a matter of fact, sometimes I find it's better to reverse-engineer something. Find a place you'd like to work and call to see if they are accepting applications and, more importantly, if they are hiring. I guess I don't trust the automated assembly line process with anything that's important.