Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Dog Tales (series) ep. iii

Maia, meaning mother, perhaps is mother of that which is silly. When over at MR's house, she jumped up on the sofa to sniff through my pockets. While I entered bearing beggin' strips, that I tossed onto the floor for her, she insisted that I must be hiding something better in my jacket. This was not the first time that she checked out my jacket.
On a seperate occasion, my jacket moved up and down, as though life were entering and leaving it. Upon closer insepction, Maia was rolling it and tossing it to gain access to pockets.

Her more typical trick is to "misplace" a toy under the sofa or table or in small space behind the chair. "Woof! I don't know where it could be. Woof! I can't quite reach it, though I put it there. Woof!"

Really, she's MR's dog -- he should write this.

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