Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

watching TV

I'm not known for my love of movies or TV. I haven't liked sit-coms in a llllllloooooooooonnnnnnnnnnggggggg time. That being the case, I sometimes find a show that I do like. I used to like Discovery Channel, until it and it's compadre's: History, TLC, Animal Planet, etc. decided that everyone would love to have a program they are watching blocked out -- sometimes up to 25% by USELESS animations of their other shows. I thought the corner label on the programs were bad -- thanks T Turner for starting that! Coupled with that are the commercial break so long that I often change the channel, forgetting that I was once watching Discovery or whatever. My criping aside.

I got to see Mythbusters, which can be entertaining. Sometimes it is more like idea ADHD -- are you planning on completing any ideas here? I like the ideas. I have become captivated by Kari Byron, about whom little information seems available.

She seems practical, comical and clever. When I saw her smile, that's what captured my attention. [drone on here concerning interest]

The same channel that does this includes a show with Jessie James something, who contributes to building various one-time things. I couldn't bear to watch the show anymore, as his personality is grating and his happy recalling of childhood violence towards others including a neighbor boy whom he claimed to have happily choked (implying to a painful degree). This guy has a son. I would hestitate to call him a father as that is a person who raises their child to be an adult capable of existing in the world -- hopefully, sans prison/jail.

What's another really bad idea from this group ... Growing Uo Gotti. Hey! Let's focus on a family whose criminal activity, either theirs or other family memebers who have a lot of money. Let's help those watching become complacent with the mafia and criminals. Yes! Let's copy HBO with their ideas of Sopranos and OZ with violence, evil, raping, killing, drugs, abuse (of many forms). Now that's entertainment. I guess if Eninem is still popular with songs of putting GHB into drinks to rape women and his lyrics stating his desire for a woman to do whatever, whenever, in perpetuity -- these will be the standard.

Not to me.

Returning to Mythbusters ... violence is either to Buster -- a disintigrating dummy with variable insturment chasis, Black Adder, or to the two would-be investigators who welcome their own doom on some occasions.

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