Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

the term, "Fathering"

is usually wrongly used. Too often people view fathers as those that contribute genetic material.

In my previous entry I mentioned -- insulted, Lost, for it's shortcomings. I read a blurb on Naveen Andrews "
'Lost' star admits fathering child while separated from Barbara Hershey". That is more urban vernacular. Lions sire cubs, often killing other cubs either his own or others to get the lioness into estris. That guy doesn't smell like my spermazoa [mauling of cub]. This concept of siring as many his-scented youth as possible is urban fathering.

If only America could wake up a bit and turn on the "mental gears". I could throw money at a situation or I could involve myself in it and help it. Siring and then paying some money to the "mother" for the child (ren) is much like throwing money at a so-called problem. Invest yourself in it -- be the solution -- or the father, bringing to it your values, your input, your goals to make life what it should be.

Male lions in a pride generally don't hunt (not providers), take their share first, and (aforementioned) with cubs. They serve a protective role at times, but are generally not integral to the life of the pride. I was very fortunate in having a father who raised me. I am also from a family of non-divorced parents. This didn't prevent me from divorcing, but I "sired" no children and had I done so -- a difficult life they would have had no matter how much effort I put forth -- save being granted full and sole custody. Even that would have had its consequences.

Think, before you sire. A pack of your gene-filled people shouldn't fill you with pride if you have done nothing to bring them to be who they could be -- raising and fathering.

--please end--

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