Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, December 23, 2005

If history means anything

I'm doomed!

For a span in my life I worked at a video store (can you remember Clerks), which "left me" not quite as rude as Randall, but equally cynical.

Interesting titles: Ebony Humpers (sequels also), Who Reamed Rosie Rabbit?, Girls of Ball Street

Interesting factoids: Caught From Behind (series with MANY sequels). Cost $9. Earned for the store (episode 4): $1100 +; top rented video at a local store one time, When Harry Ate Sally.

What does this tell you? Porn is not likely going to pass away in the night. It sells.
Also -- if you don't want to deal with it, take the advice I didn't heed right away, but was non-the-less sound: "If you don't like your job, quit."

Better to be happier and healthier than miserable and "richer".

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