Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hey, ladies

Get funky!

Thank you ladies for a great lunch! What a peculiar day all around.
I got to meet my lady friends at a strip club. They were celebrating their promotions. They each got a table dance and they splurged and got me one.

Hmm. It will be a day going down in infamy.
Here, one woman is pushing out her breasts to make sure that you notice them.

Congratulations ladies! I cannot help but be honored.


davesbeachbar said...

stip club with two girls and they bought you a dance? That sounds like a VERY good lunch. What they didn't allow the camera inside? The girls sound like good sports... so how did this letter to penthouse end?

MR said...

Oddly enough, this happened with me some years ago when I went to Cagney's with a couple of girls from work and one of the VPs.

Not that I had or have any respect for the women we went with. I prefer to old-fashioned, purely heterosexual women...but the others are fun to watch.