Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

going Berserk

Berserk was an odd combination of graphic violence and timidity. It had your typical ridiculous violence. The protagonist Guts weilds his 200 pound sword as ably as others would a dagger. He goes berserk during his campaign to bring justice. In episdoe one, four vile men kick in the door to a bar. The occupants don't stir, not even to save the poor girl -- their captive.

I thought that they'd imply or worse have a rape scene, but thankfully no. No one in the bar came to her rescue as her face is planted into the table. The men want her to clean the table with her tongue. Then the killing begins.

I liken it a bit between two lesser scenes from American movies: Heavy Metal, the last story the barely clothed woman walks into the bar and slays three would-be gang-rapists. She wiped the blade on their newly decapitated bodies. Blood went much of everywhere making quite a mess.

The big evil guy in Berserk changed into his "real" appearance as a monster. He was twenty feet tall, but very similar to the lizard-like creature in Dreamscape. Berserk fell into one of the blunders so well discussed in Incredibles, monologuing.

At the end of this show, it did entice me to wonder ... what now? There was a scene from earlier in his life, before branding, where he was a more typical swordsman.

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