Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Jesus' image

Okay. I'm a little unclear here. So, before Christ's death in ~33 A.D., who took the photo? Perhaps then He stopped and sat for a portrait that he comissioned with His wealth. Do you know what Jesus looked like ... No! You don't know what Jesus looked like! If you see a face, then you see face, but Christ didn't have graduation picture cards to disperse to friends and family. Stop seeing Mary, Jesus, and God in things. You have no idea, nor does anyone living, know what Jessus, Mary, Jospeh looked like. Those who seem them are, well, idiots.

I mention this because I saw on a "news" site, 'image of Jesus on tree trunk'. Not only is it Enquirer-sque, but Christ and God didn't leave photos. I guess the "graven images of God" was missed, right? Apparently they missed that phrase in Sunday teaching, noting the peoples following Moses into the desert were commanded by God and that no graven images of God were to be made, for that lead to people worshiping the idol, therefore ignoring the principle.

Rapping on wood, scaring the evil spirits, that sort of thing.

The cruifix was chosen as the symbol of Christian faith for, Christ defeated death and a terribly cruel and gruelling torture and demise. He conquered death and in doing so, freed us from our sins. Did he say, "remember what I looked like, please"? Does your bible have God's photo or Christ's photo on it? Is there a Mary face on the back cover ... Esther or Jospeh?

Get away from the images of God ... respect what God and Christ represent ... not the picture.

If you see Elvis in a shot glass ... that's likely, as likely as Grocho Marx on a beer nut or W.C. Fields on a potato chip, but Christ on a wall or tree ... come on, man!

1 comment:

MR said...

you can buy this plastic things that are the shape of a slice of bread that will imprint an image on the bread so that when it's toasted, you can plainly see the indention. They come with pictures like Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, that sort of thing, for kids. You should make one, clearly of Mickey Mouse and put it on e-bay saying it's Christ and sell it for $50,000. Maybe it'll get enough attention that a casino will buy it.

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