Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Yo ho, blow the van down

I drove today to pick my neice at Purdue. I knew that it was windy, but man, oh man did it ever buffet the van about, as though it were confetti. The gas mileage went down a bit for sure. What was most interesting about the wind, was that the wipers worked very well on the upswing, but the wind caught them on the down swing, leaving more smears than swiping. It was an odd little trip, very gray, very windy, flurries and rain. My car's profile works better, by a little, but its light weight makes it more like Charlie Brown's kite than anything else. Someday I'll have a laughing tree munching on my tree, a smile within its branches and leaves, while I hang upside-down.


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