Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

They call me the "Ganster of Love"

Phone actor, ie: phone sex operator. Huh. I never knew they advertised, but now I know. Now I can be a high-paying ho courtesy of Velvet Jones.

In a James Earl Jones voice, "I'm Darth Vader, heavy breather. I'll be your virtual partner this evening. What's your name? Mm hmm... yes, it could work. If you could be turned."

I always lose them when I call out, "You will join me, or die!" and "Only a b**** deals in absolutes.", "I have failed you ... I have failed you."

I think the Martin Short-Steve Buscimi personas make the most money.
My instant response would be, "What the **** do you think you are doing? Get out of here! You soiled tit! You ass sod!" "Oh, you didn't call for abuse, well then. We're having an argument. Yes we are. Yes we are."

BTW: I would not, could not take this joke. Not in a bag, because I'm not a fag. I'm in no way gay; I'm saying "no way!"

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