Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Oh no you didn't!

I don't care if they are Green, Independant, Democrat or Republican, if they start taxing online shopping -- heads are going to roll! If they want tax money: tax prisoners, tax gas guzzlers, tax cigarettes and alcohol. Taxing online shopping -- that will about spell the end of online shopping for a lot of people. eBay figuring out taxes -- that will be fun. Even if they just email you your responsibility to pay taxes -- that's not going to cut it.

America has too many lawyers ... now, they'll be matched in number with accountants. There's our standing army for you! Number crunchers attack!

What the world needs now, is sense, common sense. +

+Tax Bracket (not Burt Bakarach)

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